Dr. Saurabh Soni
Diabetes is one of the most talked about diseases across the world affecting around 455 million people worldwide and the numbers are mounting rapidly every year. Unfortunately, India is amongst top 3 countries with high diabetic population and the number has doubled in 13 years in India with a whooping increase from 32 million in 2000 to 63 million in 2013.
Seeing such exponential increase, India certainly has a challenge to face which deliberates all of us to know the disease well and understand its adverse effects. It is necessary to prevent the disease load in India, Ayurved and Diet Planning is basic & essential component to combat disease .
Diabetes is not just having high blood sugar levels! It is much beyond that. Besides few manageable complications of skin disease, pregnancy complications, hypoglycaemia (low blood glucose), hyperglycaemia (High blood glucose), Mental Health, hearing loss or gum diseases, the devastating affect of diabetes can be seen in the form of few major complications that may lead to surgical interventions at times. Let’s see how:
The fact that diabetes may be the world's 7th largest killer by 2030 (Source: WHO), urges us to share the various complications that may arise in badly controlled diabetic patients.
Diabetes certainly increases the risk for many serious health problems, but the good news is that with the correct treatment and preventive measures, many people with diabetes are able to prevent or delay the onset of above complications.
The scary picture of complications can be averted by taking few preventive steps that needs to follow the strict rule book of diet, exercise, regular checkups, change in lifestyle and practicing good foot care.
Dietary correction is primary aspect as per Dr Saurabh Soni,. Food is an imperative internal factor that accounts for health as well as disease. As Hippocrates said 2000 years ago, ‘‘Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food.’’ The proper diet imparts physical strength and helps equilibrium of the Doshas, thereby maintaining equilibrium of the bodily tissues. Having balanced diet is important in preventing and controlling Apathyanimittaja (acquired) Prameha. The role of Ashta Aahara Vidhivishesha3 and Aayatana Aahara Vidhividhana3 (dietetic regulations) has primary importance among the multiple preventive aspects of Prameha. ‘‘What you eat.’’ The prime aspect of the dietetic regulations can be referred to as ‘‘what you eat.’’ Patients with Prameha must eat a diet that pacifies the disease. The best foods to eat are those that are not sweet, not too oily, have the ability to mitigate Kapha and Meda, and are nourishing. Foods and drinks that are sweet in taste, such as dairy products, Ikshu (sugar cane), sugar products, foods with Guru (heavy) quality and Sheeta (cold) quality (such as ice cream), Madya (alcoholic beverages and wines), and so on should be avoided since they further provoke Kapha and Meda.
Ayurveda has a many of herbs and herbal mixtures that are used in the treatment of Prameha. A large number of these herbs have demonstrated efficacy in researchs. The herbs have various properties, including hypoglycemic, antihyperglycemic, hypolipidemic, antihyperlipidemic, insulinpromoting, and antioxidant propertiesAyurveda also uses herbal remedies to manage diabetes. Some commonly used herbs for diabetes management include:
“Diabetes can be curbed at the initial level by introducing lifestyle changes, controlled through medicines in early stages and treated by administration of external insulin or surgeries in advanced stages. So identify your present status and act now!”